AMA District 14 Hare Scramble Rules 2024

Officers and Representatives

Chair: Dan Stephens                                       


[email protected]

Vice Chair: Zach Keizer                                   Points Keeper: Alex/Zach Keizer

616-916-6713                                                  616-916-6713

Rider Rep: Phil Lehman                                Rider Rep: Tyler Ratliff

616-283-4063                                                 586-259-2487

Rider Rep: Gibby Johnson                            Rider Rep:  Mark Warren

269-953-4298                                                989-858-1326


Rider Rep: Robert Root





  1. Races will be held on the dates and at the locations published in the District 14 newspaper and on the District 14 Hare Scrambles web page. Event scheduling or venue changes or cancellations will be posted to the District 14 Hare Scrambles web page and the District Facebook page as soon as they are known.

  1. Motorcycle hare scramble races will be 1 hour 50 minutes, plus one lap or a maximum of 15 laps, in length. Youth class races will be 1 hour in length. 50cc auto class races will be 30 minutes in length.

  1. Hare Scramble tracks will be a minimum of 7 miles. Courses should be laid out such that, even in the event of inclement weather prior to or during the race, the minimum track length is achieved. Mini course length will be between 2.5 and 4 miles, and 50cc auto courses will be between 0.75 and 1 mile.

  1. Race programs for District 14 hare scrambles races will typically follow this order:

  • 50cc auto’s parade lap 9:00am. Race to start after parade lap. 30-minute race time.

  • Youth and Small Bike/ Women – scheduled race start 10:00am 

  • Adult Riders – scheduled race start 12:00pm

  1. Programs for National Hare Scrambles and Regional Hare Scrambles may follow an alternate schedule.

  1. Dead-engine starts will be accomplished on a class by class basis as follows:

  • Start Order for Youth and Small Bike Women Riders 

  1. Super Mini

  2. 85cc Senior  

  3. 85cc Junior 

  4. 65cc

  5. Women's/girls class

  6. 12-15yr Trail

  7. 7-11yr Trail

Classes will not rotate. Starting order will be the same at all events.

  • Start Order for Adult Riders 

    1.  Expert 

    2.  Team A 

    3.  Open A 

    4.  30+ A 

    5.  40+A and 50+A (shared row)

    6. Open B 

    7. 30+B 

    8. Team B

    9. 40+ B and 50+B (shared row) 

    10. 12-18 C 

    11. 19-24 C

    12. 25-34 C 

    13. 35+ C 

    14. Team C

    15. 50+ C and 60+ (shared row)

    16. Women’s class and Women’s Team (shared row)

            Classes will not rotate. Starting order will be the same at all events.

  1. If there are only 3 riders or less in a class, it may be combined with another class (afterapproval from the scoring personnel) of the same skill level for starting purposes only. Any rider leaving the starting line prior to their assigned start position will be penalized 1 lap. 

  1. Scoring (via electronic transponder and manual back-up) will be on a lap-by-lap basis with lap times being recorded for each lap (minutes and seconds). An analog clock must be displayed at scoring area in full view for the riders to see. Key time (start time) of 12:00 will be used on the clock for each race. The loss of a transponder during a race will incur a one lap penalty (all classes).

  1. The designated scoring area will serve as a “no passing zone”. Riders must enter as well as exit the scoring area in a slow, safe and single file manner. Promoters will clearly mark the scoring area and the checkered flag will always be forward of the scoring area. If the scoring personnel deem a rider is racing through scoring said rider will be warned once through the scoring chute and the rider’s number will be recorded, if said rider races through scoring on any other lap during the race day the scoring personnel will inform the chairman of the rider's number and that rider will be docked a lap; no questions asked

  1. The club/promoter is responsible for monitoring the laps/time and making the riders aware of whether laps or time will determine the completion of the event. This should be done before the start or in the early stages of the race. The white flag shall be displayed at no sooner than the 1-hour and 50 minute elapsed time. (EXAMPLE) If the leading solo rider comesinto scoring at the time of (1:49.59) The WHITE FLAG will NOT be given to the leading rider.  If the leading solo rider comes into scoring at the time of (1:50.01) The WHITE FLAG (WILL) be given to the leading rider, and ONE lap will be left to race. In the event of extreme track or weather conditions the club referee, District Chair, and rider reps can make necessary changes.

  1. The club/promoter will double mark the course as needed, and riders must go between any double markers or around any double marked turn. Failure to follow the INITIAL prescribed course will result in disqualification and/or penalty UNLESS COURSE OFFICIALS have altered the course during a race due to deteriorating conditions.

  1. If a race must be stopped due to unforeseen circumstances with less than half the scheduled time having elapsed trophies may be given but NO District 14 points are to be awarded. 

  1. A rider must finish a minimum of ½ the laps of the winner of their class to be scored in the results.

  1. To determine the overall position of a rider, the competitor with more laps will finish higher in the overall regardless of elapsed time.

  1. Riders registered as team participants may only race in the team class for which they entered. No rider entered as a team participant may also race in a solo class during the same event.  At no time may both bikes and riders be on the course - only one rider/bike at a time.

  1. All results and awards are FINAL after a protest period (30 minutes after results are posted). Awards shall be presented as soon as possible following the protest period has elapsed. Only clerical errors can be corrected for administrative purposes. 

  1. Trophies and/or awards will be paid to the riders the day of the event as follows: 2 riders/ 1 award; 3-4 riders/ 2 awards; 5-8 riders/ 3 awards; 9-12 riders/ 5 awards; 13-17 riders/ 6 awards; 18-20 riders/ 7 awards; and 21-up/ 8 awards


1. District 14 Hare Scrambles Division will award points in the following classes:

Micro Classes

50cc Auto 4-6yr, auto bikes only (no shifter allowed), 4-6 yr solo rider

50cc Auto 7-8yr, auto bikes only (no shifter allowed), 7-8 yr solo rider

Micro Trail, class designed for younger riders who have a 4-stroke trail bike but are not ready for the 1hr program, shifters allowed, 110cc max (unless discussed with chairman for possible exception), 4-8 yr solo rider

Youth and Small Bike/Women’s Classes

Trail Bike class, up to 150cc 4-stroke, air-cooled, maximum wheel sizes of 19” front and 16” rear, 7-15 yr. solo rider

65 Class, mini class, 0-65cc 2-stroke, 0-110cc 4-stroke Trail Bike, maximum wheel sizes of 14” front and 12” rear, 7-11 yr. solo rider.  Note: Trail Bike for this class is defined as air cooled 4-stroke

85 Junior class, mini class, 66-85cc 2-stroke, 100-150cc 4-stroke, maximum wheel sizes of 17” front and 14” rear, 7-11 yr. solo rider.

85 Senior class, mini class, 66-85cc 2-stroke, 100-150cc 4-stroke, maximum wheel sizes of 17” front and 14” rear, 9-13 yr. solo rider.

Super Mini class, mini class, 66-112cc 2-stroke, up to 150cc 4-stroke, maximum wheel sizes of 19” front and 16” rear (smaller wheel sizes are permitted), 12-15 yr. solo rider.

Women’s/Girls class, 66-112cc 2-stroke, 0-150cc liquid/air cooled 4-stroke, maximum wheel size of 19” front and 16” for liquid cooled bikes and 21" front and 18" rear for air cooled 4-strokes.

Big Bike Classes

Expert/AA class, Open age and displacement, top fifteen riders from previous year, solo rider

Open A class, Open age and displacement, solo rider

30+ A class, Open displacement, 30+ yr. solo rider

40+ A class, Open displacement, 40+ yr. solo rider

50+ A class, Open displacement, 50+ yr. solo rider

Open B class, Open age and displacement, solo rider

30+ B class, Open displacement, 30+ yr. solo rider

40+ B class, Open displacement, 40+ yr. solo rider

50+ B class, Open displacement, 50+ yr. solo rider

50+ C class, Open displacement, 50+ solo rider

60+ class, Open displacement, Open skill , 60+ solo rider

12-18 C class, 96cc and up, 12-18 yr. old age bracket.

19-24 C class, 96cc and up, 19-24 yr. old age bracket.

25-34 C class, Open displacement, age 25-34, solo rider.

35+ C class, Open displacement, age 35+yr. solo rider.

A Team* class, A, B, or C skill level, open age/ displacement, top ten overall team riders from previous year, 2 riders, max of 2 bikes

B Team* class, C or B skill level, open age/ displacement, 2 riders, max of 2 bikes

C Team* class, C skill level, open age and displacement, 2 riders, max of 2 bikes

Women class, 96cc and up, 12 yr. minimum age, minimum wheel sizes of 19” front and 16” rear.

Women’s Team* class, 96cc and up, 12 yr. minimum age, minimum wheel sizes of 19” front and 16” rear.

* A team consists of two (2) riders and a maximum of two (2) bikes. Teams should compete in the class corresponding to the higher skill of the two riders. The top ten Overall Teams must ride the Team A class the following year.  Advancement outside of this rule, from “C” team to “B” team or “B” team to “A” team will mostly be “on your honor”, or at the discretion of the series chairman at any point before, or during the season. In order to score points as a team, the team must remain intact (same two riders) for the season. If a racer rides solo for team points, he/she must sign up and pay for his/her absent teammate.

**The team class is a total of $80 for a team entry.  You will not be permitted to pay $40 for only one riders portion of the entry.  Any team entry must have paid $80 before they will be entered into the scoring system.

  1. Rider numbers (unique) must be displayed on the right side of the rider’s helmet. Riders must display their class number on the back of their helmet.  A one (1) lap penalty will be imposed if a rider fails to properly identify his/her helmet. 

  1. Riders must purchase a transponder to be scored during an event (at the designated price, transponder fees go to the Hare Scramble Maintenance Fund). Team riders will use one (1) transponder to be exchanged during the race. 

  1. The bike size for afternoon classes is limited to 96cc and above. Ages are limited to 12 years and older. In all events, a rider must be 14 or older to ride motorcycles above 250cc. The age of the rider is determined as of the date of the event, except in youth competition.

  1. A rider whose bike exceeds posted sound limits (when measured per the AMA procedure) at any time during the event will face disqualification and forfeit of any points that may have been earned during the event.

  1. Any non-sufficient funds (NSF) will result in withholding points until payment has been received in full plus any applicable bank fees.


  1. Points at each event will be awarded based on the results generated by the electronic scoring system according to the following schedule:

  • 1st 25 

  • 2nd 22 

  • 3rd 20

  • 4th 18

  • 5th 16

  • 6th 15

  • 7th 14

  • 8th 13

  • 9th 12

  • 10th 11

  • 11th 10

  • 12th   9

  • 13th   8

  • 14th   7

  • 15th   6

  • 16th   5

  • 17th   4

  • 18th   3

  • 19th   2

  • 20th   1

  1. Series standings will be based on points earned over the entire season subject to the following “throwaway” schedule:

    • less than 10 races – 1 throwaway

    • 10 - 12 races – 2 throwaways

    • 13 - 15 races – 3 throwaways

    • 16 or more races – points counted from 75% of events (any fractional point rounded to the NEAREST whole number, 0.5 or more rounds up). 

  1.  Any rider that assists in a D-14 Hare Scramble will be allowed to use one less race than the requirement and his/her best finish of their season results will be added to complete his/her total class and overall points as a work credit. A rider must get in contact with the head of the club/promoter for the event in which they wish to work. Upon coming to an agreement with the club/promoter on the work to be completed the rider will have to have the head of the club/promoter contact the chairman with the rider’s name who will be working the event. The chairman must be notified of the rider working a race 3 weeks before the event (21 days). Once this is submitted and approved, the rider must work the event and not race. A “work credit” can be for work done before an event or the day of the event at the club/promoter’s discretion. A rider cannot get work and ride points the same day.  No work points will be awarded for Super Endurance Events.

Calculating Work Points: (EXAMPLE) An 11-race series allows two “drops”. Rider’s best finish goes toward final points.

  1. All solo classes are eligible for series Overall points 

  1. If two or more riders are tied in points at the end of the season, tie-breakers will be used to determine standing. The tie breaker will be the most 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd (etc.) place finishes. If a tie still remains, then the rider that finished better at the last event both competed in would win the tie breaker. 

  1. The top fifteen (15) overall riders from solo classes of the previous year will be promoted to the Expert AA class. These riders must ride the Expert AA class if they are riding the solo program.  The class is optional for other riders; however, once a rider signs up for the Expert AA class that rider MUST ride the remainder of the season in that class. A rider of the age of 45 or above that finishes in the top 15 overall, has the option to opt out of the Expert AA class. This rider must ride an “A” class the following year.

    • National Hare Scrambles and Regional Hare Scrambles do not pertain to the rule.

  1. Any rider who earned at least one overall point (Top 20 at any event) during the previous year must race an “A” class the next year regardless of how they finished in the yearly point standings in their class. *

*This rule can be overturned by the harescramble committee in the case of any extreme circumstance, or if a racer is not eligible to race an “A” class due to age.

  1. Any rider that has previously won a Michigan District 14 Hare Scramble Overall Championship cannot run in a “B” class.

  1. All class champions will be advanced to the next level class that they previously won. Example “C” class champion will move to a “B” class. A “B” class champion will move to an “A” class. Other rider class advancement will follow current AMA Racing Amateur Competition Rule Book, AMA Off-road section 2.1.6 (Appealing Advancement/Classification). Rider advancement point status may be checked on the AMA website.  Riders must submit an advancement appeal to the AMA and an appeal board will review appeal and make a ruling. 

  1. Any rider who participates in enduro events, MUST ride the same specific skill level in the hare scrambles series as if they entered into in the enduro events. (Example: An “AA” enduro rider would be required to enter the “Expert/AA” class at a hare scramble event. A “B” class enduro rider should enter a “B” class at a hare scramble event.  A rider may move up a skill level but not down.


  1. The Hare Scrambles program will consist of a strict schedule of events to be arranged and finalized at the District Sanction meeting, prior to the start of the new race season. A.) The D-14 Hare Scrambles season will begin March 1st and end October 31st. Events held before or after these dates will not receive D-14 Points. B.) There will be no championship point races on Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th weekend, or Labor Day except by special permission from the Hare Scrambles Committee.

  1. All events scheduled at the December meeting (that do not conflict with rule 1a and 1b) will pay D-14 points. The only races scheduled after the fall meetings that can be awarded points are those scheduled to replace a race dropped by another promoter. If possible, these events should be scheduled on the same date as the canceled event. The change must be properly advertised. National Hare Scrambles and Regional Hare Scramble points will not count towards D-14 Hare Scrambles.

  1. No competing D14 hare scrambles events will be scheduled on the same day anywhere within District 14 unless agreed upon by the Division and the promoters involved.

  1. The series Chairman, Officers, and Promoters can collectively approve a “special” race, which is either co-sanctioned with another series or is run as a “Special Endurance Event”. These events are to be explained in detail prior to the start of the season. Riders will be awarded points if the series Chairman, Officers, and Promoters agree to do so. Only one Super Endurance Race may be run per year.

  1. All 50cc Auto/Micro classes are required to have a parade lap.

  1. All District 14 classes will be offered and points given in order to receive District 14 sanctions. Two or more riders will constitute a class for trophies/awards in that event. If only one rider signs up for a class, that rider will receive points for that class in that event. That same rider may be moved to another class for trophies/awards.

  1. The Scoring & Registration Team (appointed by Chairman) will utilize the scoring equipment (Moto-Tally) maintained by the Hare Scrambles Division. There will be a service fee of up to $500 per event payable to the Scoring/Registration Coordinator. The club/promoter will provide the necessary number of people to assist the scoring process, at least 3 persons to do back-up scoring and/or flagging.  The club/promoter is responsible for supplying adequate shelter from the elements and a steady power source to run the scoring equipment.

  1. $5 per D-14 rider will be collected by the club/promoter at sign-up to be forwarded to the Hare Scrambles Treasurer or Chairman with the race report (this includes all racers riding in a points paying class at a D-14 sanctioned event; except in case of a dual sanctioned event. Those riders other than D-14 may be excluded.). This is to be done no later than 14 days after the race date. If the Treasurer informs the Chairman of non-payment from an event, the Chairman may recommend no points for any of the promoters remaining sanctions. This account will be maintained strictly as the Hare Scrambles Awards Fund for post-season activities, set forth by the riders’ votes from the riders’ meeting.

  1. The Hare Scrambles Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Points Keeper, Web Director, Rider Reps, and Scoring Specialists will be exempt from gate fees. They are issued an ID tag and will present it to the staff as they enter the track.


  1. The Hare Scrambles committee will consist of up to 9 members, including the Chairman. The riders will elect 9 members each year. 

  1. The nine (9) committee members elected by the riders need not be racers. Five (5) will be designated the Rider Reps, one (1) will be the Treasurer, one (1) will be the Points keeper, (1) will be the Vice Chair, and one (1) will be the Chairman for the division.

  1. Of the five (5) committee members being appointed by the Chairman one must be a rider and the remaining will be from clubs/promoters conducting Hare Scrambles.

  1. All committee members must be members in good standing of the AMA and must hold a current Associate Membership card in D-14.

  1. The Hare Scrambles committee will meet a minimum of twice a year. One meeting will be the Saturday before the fall sanction and general membership meeting of AMA District 14 Club Council, as set by the DFCC Board of Directors. The second meeting will be between October 01 and the annual meeting. This meeting will be designated as the Hare Scrambles Annual Meeting.

  1. The Hare Scrambles Annual Meeting will be held for the sole purpose of proposing new rules, making future plans, reviewing the past season, etc. by the riders in the presence of the Hare Scrambles Committee. Election of the 7 positions by the riders for the Hare Scrambles Committee will be held at this time.

  1. The Hare Scrambles Riders annual meeting will be held at a designated place to be announced to the riders at least 30 days in advance. The general meeting of the riders will follow the Hare Scrambles Committee Meeting.

  1. The Chairman may convene the Hare Scrambles Committee at any time during the year to consider requests for action on any aspect of the sport deemed necessary.