2017 AMA District 14 Enduro Division Supplemental Rules and Guidelines
Red Indicates Changes for 2017 The District 14 Enduro Series is comprised of a group of AMA chartered clubs and promoters engaged in the sponsorship and promotion of Enduros. It is dedicated to the betterment of the sport of enduro riding, and to providing the individual competitor with a quality, safe, challenging event. The following rules and guidelines will be used to govern enduro events in the District 14 Enduro Series for 2017.
a. Recognized Classes
b. Required Equipment
a. At sign-up, all machines must be equipped with operating headlight, taillight, horn, mirror, and valid license plate “where applicable”, and a USFS-approved spark arrestor muffler.
b. All required equipment must remain intact during the entire event.
c. Events, Fees, and Results
a. As much as possible,series D14 Enduro events should not conflict with popular National Enduro dates.
b. There will not be more than one Enduro sanction per week in District 14, except by consent of the Enduro Chairman.
c. Any D14 Chartered club or promoter may apply for a seriesD14 Enduro sanction. Applications will be considered by the Enduro Chairman.
d. Entry fee must be listed on any event advertisement.
e. All series runs will have a 9:00am key time unless clearly indicated otherwise on the event flyer.
f. The A 50+ class will ride the same course as the “A” classes. The 60+ and Women’s class will ride the same course as the “C” classes.
g. All District 14 Enduro sanctioned events must run the full set of D14 Enduro classes, with the exception of National Enduros.
h. At National Enduros that are also a D14 Enduro sanctioned event, D14 Enduro Series Members must enter a recognized D14 Enduro class. For the purpose calculating D14 Enduro series points, points will be given for the class ridden at the National event. The exception to this is if a rider is running the National Enduro Series for points in a class that is not supported by D14. In this particular case, we will move riders to the appropriate D14-recognized class for the purpose of calculating D14 Enduro Series points.
When riding a National Enduro, riders are responsible for ensuring that they ride the correct course length that is appropriate for their D14 class. E.g., Riding A 55+ at a National typically runs the “B” course. If the rider enters A 55+ at the National, but is running A 50+ in D14, they need to ride the “A” course at the National in order for their results to be transferred to the D14 A 50+ class correctly.
i. For Restart format events, Emergency checks will be scored by total minutes and seconds, and calculated from the top of a riders due minute. Scores will be tabulated by the actual number of minutes and seconds that a rider is late to an emergency check. Example: if you are due on minute 20, and come in at 21:30, your score is 1 “Minute” and 30 “Seconds” not 1 “Point” and 60 “Emergency Points”.
j. Row Assignments:
i. For all events, AA riders must ride on rows 21-40. One row position must be left available on rows 21-40 for the AA riders. No row positions will be reserved for specific riders.
ii. All promoting organizations are encouraged to provide a paid pre-entry system for all events. When there is a paid pre-entry system, a rider will be given the choice of requesting three rows in order of preference. For riders to request to be on the same row, their paid entries must be sent in together.
iii. All other starting positions, including those assigned at event sign up, will be assigned and reserved only if there is an entry fee paid for the row being assigned.
iv. The option of using the lottery system for row assignment is at the discretion of the event promoter.
k. Marking Standards
i. Two arrows laid down indicate a turn depicted on the route sheet ii. Arrow pointing at 45 degrees indicates a turn ahead in the direction of the slant iii. Arrow pointing down indicates a minor hazard iv. Road signs indicate possible cross vehicle traffic v. X indicates DANGER vi. W indicates wrong way vii. Gas stop signs must be used to depict the beginning and the end of a gas stop
l. Riders must make their scorecards visible and available to checkpoint people.
m. Clubs / promoters have the right to penalize (including disqualification) any rider who, in the opinion of the flag person at the road crossing, failed to stop at that road crossing.
n. The event promoter must use a sweep crew that follows the entire course to aid disabled bikes or injured riders, and to ensure that no participants are left stranded on the course.
o. All scores that make it through the protest period are official for event awards. During the protest period, scores are to be posted listing individual rider’s scores. All clerical errors found after the protest period must be brought to the attention of the Points Keeper by the close of the second event following the event in question, or within two days of the event if it is the last scheduled event of the season.
p. If the final check is a secret check before the final posted mileage on route sheet, club / promoter must inform the rider that the event is over.
q. All events will have a riders meeting; topics should include courtesy to checkers and faster riders, policy on road crossings, and to introduce referee and assistant.
r. In order to fund the awards banquet and help operate the series, each club / promoter will contribute the following amounts for each sanctioned event:
s. Clubs / promoters may use the supplied referee form and submit to the D14 Enduro Chairman within 14 days of the event. Any D14 Enduro-assessed Rider fees ($4.00 per D14 sign-up) must be forwarded to the D14 Enduro Chairman Treasurer within 14 days of invoice. Rider feesPayment must be post-marked within 14 days of the event invoice, or the event promoter willmay be assessed a $50 late fee, payable to the D14 Enduro Series Awards Fund.
t. Event Results:
i. Must be submitted to the D14 Enduro Points Keeper within 7 days of the event, or the event promoter willmay be assessed a $50 late fee payable to the D14 Enduro Series Points Fund.
ii. Must be submitted in electronic format as either a text, Excel, CSV (Comma Separated Value), or MDB (Microsoft Access database) file format.
iii. Required fields are: AMA Number, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, City, State, Bike Brand, District Membership(s), Class, Checks Completed, Points, and Emergency Points. Each field must be separated by a delimiter.
iv. If there are different course lengths used at the event, the number of total checks possible for each class course length must also be included in the results.
v. If event results are not submitted in electronic format as described, or results were generated by a non-approved scoring application, the event promoter may be assessed $100 $150, payable to the D14 Enduro Series Points Fund. If any outstanding assessments are not paid, D14 points may not be paid for the club’s / promoter’s event in the following year.
*Please check with the D14 Enduro Points Keeper for a list of currently approved scoring applications.
u. If a club / promoter has any outstanding fees or assessments, D14 Enduro points may be pulled for the associated event.
d. Series Points and Awards
a. Series Points will be earned for an event only if a rider is registered for D14 Enduro Points as of the date of the event. Once registered, the term for a rider’s D14 Enduro Points registration runs for the remainder of the calendar year. As part of registration, there is a $10 fee assessed, once per calendar year, to help operate the series and fund the year-end awards
b. All riders registered for D14 Enduro Points must also be a current District 14 member. It is a promoter’s responsibility to ask for proof of District membership, and a rider’s obligation to provide proof of membership.
c. Series points will be awarded for each event, in each recognized class, as follows:
d. Number of events to be counted for end-of-season standings will be as follows:
e. The Grand Champion category (includes A/AA riders) will have only 1 drop. This is only for determining the Grand Champion at the end of the year. All other classes, including Overall A/B/C, will use the standard drop schedule.
f. A rider must complete the first timed section to receive series points for the event. If a rider signs up but does not start the eventthey will not receive points for the event.
g. Worker Points:
i. A rider that works an enduro will receive 1st place points in their class for that event.
ii. The rider will receive Overall points equal to their best Overall finish for the season.
iii. A rider is eligible to receive worker points for only one (1) event per season.
iv. Permission to work an enduro must be granted by the club / promoter, and the definition of “working” an event is left to the discretion and judgment of the club / promoter.
v. The Enduro Chairman must receive notification, preferably in writing, from the rider at least 30 days prior to the event date stating the enduro to be worked. If notification is made less than 30 days from the event date, or not at all, approval of worker points is at the discretion of the event promoter and Enduro Chairman.
vi. The Points Keeper will confirm with the club/ promoter after the event that all worker requirements have been met prior to awarding points.
h. If at the end of the series a tie exists, the winner will be determined by:
i. The rider with the highest point value in the corresponding Overall class.
ii. If the tie still exists, the rider having the most 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. will be the winner.
iii. If the tie still exists, the points accumulated in all the events previously not counted (e.g., drops), regardless of whether the riders involved in the tie have competed in an equal number of events, will determine the winner.
iv. If the tie still exists, the rider who had the better score at the last event in which all riders involved in the tie competed will be the winner.
v. If the tie still exists, and the riders did not compete directly against one another in any event, the rider who competed against the most entries in the class of all the accumulated events will determine the winner.
vi. If the tie still exists, and the riders competed against the same number of riders in the series, the rider competing against the most entries in a single event will be the winner.
vii. If the tie is in "OVERALL” and the riders did not compete against each other, both riders will be awarded the same position.
viii. In the event a tie still exists, the winner will be determined by the D14 Enduro Chairman.
ix. Worker points will be considered for the purpose of breaking a tie, but the worker point value will be equal to the rider's best finish in the class for that season.
i. A banquet will be held after the series to present awards.
j. Approximately 25% of the entries in a class will receive awards except for teams. Riders must earn points in, at leastor entered, approximately 60% of the scheduledseriescompleted events to qualify for year-end awards, at the discretion of the Enduro Chairman. The average number of awards will be the basis for awards at the banquet.
e. Top Riders
i. AA, A, B, C Hi-Point riders shall be determined on an overall basis.
ii. The top riders from the classes will be awarded points on the basis of Rule 4a starting with 1st place.
iii. The top 12 AA/A riders from the previous year, plus all National AA riders, will be considered as Enduro AA within D14.
iv. Any person riding the AA class must ride that class at multi-district events if that class is offered by the club / promoter putting on that event (Except AMA National Enduros). Riders are required to ride their highest classification at multi-sanctioned events (e.g., AA class).
f. C-Class Advancement
Refer to the 2015 AMA Off-Road Advancement System:
g. Elections, Rules, and Voting
a. Voting on D14 Enduro Division rule changes and election of the Enduro Chairman will be done at the annual D14 sanctioning meeting.
b. Rule changes can be submitted to Enduro Chairman anytime throughout the year. These proposed changes will be reviewed and discussed at the annual meeting.
c. Each D14 Chartered club and promoter shall receive 1 vote for each D14 sanctioned event that they hosted in the most recently completed season, OR are hosting in the upcoming season. A 2-day event will count as 2 votes if each day of the event is scored separately. If a 2-day event is a combined score, the event will count towards 1 vote.
d. The Enduro Chairman will be allocated 1 vote.
e. There will be three (3) Enduro Rider Reps., with one (1) from each of the following class categories:
AA / A-Class B-Class C-Class / 60+ / Women
i. Rider Reps will be elected at the annual awards banquet via a ballet box.
ii. One (1) Rider Rep must ride in the C Class, Womens, or 60+ Class. The other two (2) Rider Reps must ride in one of the A/AA or B classes.
iii. Nominations for Rider Reps can be submitted by anyone. Those nominated should have an expressed interest in being a Rider Rep. Rider Reps must ride in class category they represent.
iv. Nominations must be submitted to the Enduro Chairman no later than five (5) days prior to the annual awards banquet.the annual District 14 Sanctioning Meeting (first Saturday of each December).
v. A 10 day voting window will be made available within 7 days of the D14 sanctioning meeting for eligible riders to cast their ballot, either electronically or via mail-in ballot. The newly elected rider reps will be announced by December 31st of the current year.
vi. To be eligible to vote, a member must have received D14 enduro points in the preceding year / season, and be physically present when the ballots are cast. current year / season.
vii. Each eligible voting member will be allowed to cast one (1) vote for each of the three (3) class categories (AA/A, B-Class, C-Class / 60+ / Women). up to three (3) votes for those nominated. Up to one (1) vote can be cast for nominees in the C, Womens, 60+ Rider Rep category, and up to two (2) votes can be cast for nominees in the A/AA/B Rider Rep category.
viii. The nominee receiving the most votes in the C/Womens/60+ Rider Rep category will be deemed one of the elected Rider Rep for the new term. The top two (2) nominees receiving the most votes in the A/AA/B Rider Rep category will be deemed the other two elected Rider Reps for the new term.
ix. For each Rider Rep class category, the person receiving the majority of the votes will be deemed the Rider Rep for that class. Ties will be broken via a three-person vote consisting of the Enduro Chairman, along with each of the Rider Reps elected for the remaining two class categories.
x. Ties will be won by the person who has ridden the most events in the current season, and if necessary due to both tied nominees having the same number of events, looking back to the prior seasons, in reverse chronological order, until the tie is broken.
xi. The term for Rider Rep is one (1) year, beginning on the election date.January 1st of the new year.
xii. Each Rider Rep will be allocated one (1) vote regarding Enduro Division rule proposals and elections.
f. Only those eligible to vote and are present at the D14 AMA Sanctioning Meeting shall be allowed to vote. The term “present” shall be defined to include those in physical attendance at the meeting, and those who are participating via telephone conference call.
g. A rule proposal will be deemed approved by a majority vote.
h. All approved rule changes will take effect beginning the next January 1st, pending review and approval by the AMA.
i. The newly elected Enduro Chairman will appoint a Vice Chairman / Points Keeper.
j. The term for the Enduro Chairman, Vice Chairman / Points Keeper, and Enduro Rider Reps will be for one (1) calendar year.
h. Rule Books
a. D14 enduro events will be governed by the current:
i. AMA Racing Rules
ii. District 14 Bylaws and Enduro Division Supplemental Rules
iii. For National Enduro events, the AMA National Enduro Championship Series Supplemental Rules |